Olmsted Matte - Production Update #5
We're getting there! Slowly, but surely.
Nathan is working tirelessly to make sure the Olmsted assembly goes smoothly. It's comforting to me to have someone onboard who cares so much about the process and making sure it's both efficient and successful. A less experienced and less dedicated watchmaker would slap these puppies together and call it done. Not Nathan. Not me. We both understand that each one of these timepieces are important additions to your collection and are giving them the respect they deserve.
So yes, it is going a little slower than we'd hoped for, but the good news is that we're continuously moving forward and solving any challenges that come our way. To my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has assembled this many ceramic coated watches in the US. I'm proud of that.
In the photo above you'll see some of the prep work that Nathan is currently working on. He's set the dials and hands to the movements to make the final assembly that much smoother. A smart way to work if you ask me.
Setting the hands on a watch, to make sure they all point the right way at the right time, is a time consuming task!
And while Nathan is doing all the watchmakery things, I'm in the shop getting the shipping materials all sorted out. Boxes, canvas wallets, leather straps, nylon straps, labels and more! I'm currently also figuring out a way that we can do curbside pick up for those who are interested...!
Ok, that’s all for now. More to come soon!
Have a great one!