Worn & Wound Features Nathan in "Watches and What Else" Series

Worn & Wound just published the most recent installment of their popular “Watches and What Else” series. This edition is of special interest since it features our own in-house watchmaker, Nathan Bobinchak!
During the interview, author Chris Antzoulis mined Nathan’s knowledge of all things horology and hi-fi related and teased out a few little-known facts about the man who “turns the screws” at the Oak & Oscar HQ. For instance, you may already know that Nathan made a radical career shift from TV news writer to watchmaker. But did you know that, when he was a kid, he and his father once dressed up as Hickory Dickory Dock for Halloween? (For a photo of that awesome costume and some more about Nathan’s history, take a look at this earlier blog post.)
Nathan discussed some of his first watches, including a Casio Pathfinder that had an unfortunate run-in with a Fathometer while he was in watchmaking school. He also touched upon his introduction to Oak & Oscar with the Jackson chronograph. Speaking about the Eterna 3916 movement that makes the Jackson tick, Nathan stated, “It’s a very neat, super complicated, pretty movement. It has a column wheel and flyback chrono…just very cool.”
In the “What Else?” portion of the interview, Nathan expressed his love of good audio equipment and briefly elaborated his theory of “precision grinding” that, he argues, characterizes the set of hobbies that tend to attract watch enthusiasts.
As those of us that regularly spend time with Nathan at the HQ can tell you, he is just as serious about audio equipment as he is about watches. He’s always lending out records for us to listen to and explaining what would be the optimal acoustic setting in which to listen to them.
At Oak & Oscar, we’re fortunate to have Nathan’s expertise in both watchmaking and hi-fi equipment. The former ensures that our watches keep ticking and tocking; the latter ensures that we have great tunes and the proper equipment with which to hear them while toiling away in the workshop.
Check out the full story at Worn & Wound to read more about Nathan’s journey into watchmaking, how exactly you dress up as Hickory Dickory Dock, and why you should be into audio equipment, too!
Wanna see Nathan's current favorite Oak & Oscar watch? Click here!