IN THE NEWS: Oak & Oscar Featured on Teddy Baldassarre’s Channel

We’re excited to be featured in a new concept video on Teddy Baldassarre’s popular YouTube channel. Teddy partnered up with one of his favorite collaborators, Kevn O’Leary, for a Shark Tank-style competition in which various small, independent watch brands pitched their wares.
The Oak & Oscar team put together a brief, one-minute video explaining who we are, what we do, and why we love it. We sent Teddy and Kevin a handful of watches both old and new for them to check out after viewing our pitch.
Teddy and Kevin both complemented our video package and referred to us as “true watchmakers”. For us, there’s no higher praise!
It’s an honor to be highlighted on one of the most popular watch-related YouTube channels out there!
Check out the full video here!