Oak & Oscar Green Dial Olmsted No Date Raffled for Charity

Looking for a way to grab a green dial Olmsted No Date while supporting a great cause? We’ve got you covered.
One of our amazing owners, Dr. Albert Coombs (@OfficialCPTime / @drteef on Instagram) set up this Oak & Oscar green dial Olmsted No Date to be raffled off, benefiting the Alexandria-Fairfax Alumni Chapter Kappa Scholarship Endowment Fund (KSEF). This incredible organization monitors scholars throughout college years in order to provide mentorship, career counseling, job placement assistance, and encouragement.
See Raffle Here
They’ve also provided scholarships, grants, loans, and other types of financial aid to worthy African American college students and prospective college students who might find it difficult to attend college otherwise. Ten scholars are awarded $8,000 in scholarship funds which are managed across a four-year enrollment.
In fact, in February KSEF was featured in their local news for a program designed to help young African American men learn how to become pilots after seeing that roughly 2 percent of pilots were Black. The course helps middle school and high school aged young men get exposure to flight simulators and talk to pilots about the career.
The Oak & Oscar watch raffle will benefit the Alexandria-Fairfax Kappa Scholarship Endowment Fund, as they’re preparing to award their 2023 scholarship winners. To enter:
- Follow @AFNupes on Instagram (no skipping this part: you must prove you've followed to be eligible to win)
- Enter the raffle via Go.RallyUp.Com/AF-Watch-Raffle
- Raffle winners will be drawn on 6/24/2023 at 6 PM.
- All ticket holders will be notified on the same day via email by 7 PM.
The winner will be contacted immediately after selection is completed to notify and confirm shipping information. The watch will be shipped directly to the winner.
We’re always so grateful to be involved with charities like this and love the opportunity to give back any way we can. Thank you to the KSEF for doing the great work out there.
Now go win yourself a watch!